US Office
Welcome to
US Office
Wing Mate has been reborn in August, 2012. We have affiliated with ALTOUR, U.S. mega agency. We can offer much more affordable and convenience travel program in our company history.
Since the program, we can corroborate our “Japanese Style Human-Touch Service” with the high technology system.
Since we founded in 1996, the travel industry has been dramatically changed. We have been considering how to improve our service.
To have found our best partner, ALTOUR, it must be the time to change and refresh our original service. You would found our best service ever.
Since we founded in 1995, the travel industry has dramatically changed. We have been considering how to improve our service. To have found our best partner, ALTOUR, it must be the time to change and refresh our original service. You have found our best service ever.
What's New?
1/2024:New Year's Greeting from Wing Mate-ALTOUR and ALTOUR Japan
Please click below to PLAY the GREETING CARD VIDEO.
Ranked 7th in the top 10
Who is ALTOUR?